Is Now The Time To Go All-In On Lithium?

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Updated September 18, 2024

Dear Reader

If there was ever a time in history to buy into a single resource, the time is now and the resource is lithium. 

Ask any seasoned financial analyst or financial historian what they see in the chart pictured below, and the answer will likely be consistent… A bubble has burst.

lithium price

With Lithium prices topping out at historic-highs just last year, and now scraping bottoms after a 75% collapse, the bigger point eludes most investors. 

And that bigger point is: we’re currently at a highly opportune moment to buy into the most important element of the first half of the 21st century. 

Perhaps the most opportune moment there will ever be for this sector.

That may sound like a hyperbole, but lithium is rapidly turning into the most influential element in human history, even more important than oil was to the denizens of the early-mid 20th century. 

And yet, prices now appear nothing like they did in the glorious days of this time last year. 

How Many Times Can Investors Get It Wrong?

There is nothing new to this phenomenon. 

The cycles associated with manic buying followed by panic selling have been well documented for hundreds of years, and are thoroughly understood. 

The pattern is so well established, in fact, that it’s been presented abstractly to illustrate a general rule of nature. 


Surprisingly, despite how well known this pattern may be, the bulk of investors seem to always make the same mistake every time one of these charts emerge. 

They buy into the mania and sell into the panic, therefore almost always losing money. 

Even many of those who are aware of the pattern still fall into its clutches. 

What if the price just keeps going up? I’ll never get in. 

What if the price just keeps going down? I’ll never get out. 

Those two thoughts, spun over and over again, are responsible for the perpetuation of every manic/panic cycle; every inflated bubble and every subsequent collapse.

All it takes to beat the cycle, and win just as often as everyone else loses, is to do the opposite of what the crowd mentality suggests. 

There’s Nothing ‘Contrarian’ About Making Money Off Others’ Mistakes

Buy when everyone else is selling or has sold. 

Sell when everyone else is buying. 

It’s as simple as it gets and about as hard to do in the real world too. 

Right now, it’s that time here for lithium, and the smartest investors on the planet are nibbling away at it. 

They’re not taking huge bites, because that kind of thing tends to rekindle manic run-ups, but slowly, they’re building their positions. 

Because in the end, the demand for lithium is going nowhere but up, and once the emotion has burned itself out of the market, a long period of organic, sustainable growth lies beyond. 

That leaves one question and one question only: Knowing what we know about the future of the lithium market, what’s the best way to capitalize?

No Exploring. No Mining.

When it comes to publicly traded lithium-exposure, your choices are varied and plentiful, but for those profit-minded, risk-tolerant speculators out there, the list is fairly short. 

In all the research I’ve done, and all the conversations I’ve had, there is one lithium pure-play that stands out among the rest. 

In terms os size, innovation, and industry-disruptive potential, this one company encapsulates everything that I look for when it comes to real swing-for-the-fences type of investing. 

In the next 2 years, this $20M company could become one of the biggest lithium producers in North America — and yet, it’s not a miner or explorer.

So what is it, exactly?

It’s an entirely new kind of lithium operation, and when I heard about it earlier this year, I was immediately floored. 

Lithium Extraction Tech Pulls Lithium From The Unlikeliest Of Places

I’ll give you just three words as a hint: “lithium extraction technology.”

It’s revolutionary, it’s disruptive, and being a technology, it’s scalable. 

Most incredible of all, however, is how this technology is employed, and where this extraction process takes place. 

Like I said, this is a unique kind of lithium investment, and right now, perhaps the most explosive of any trading on the public markets. 

Want to start your due diligence? Check out my in-depth presentation, right here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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